This blog article has a list of fun learning activities for Easter.

Unique Easter Activities to Make Your Homeschool Awesome!

Easter can be a wonderful time to incorporate learning fun and educational activities into your homeschool curriculum. Here are some ideas for Easter Activities to celebrate the season while facilitating learning and creativity!

This blog article has a list of fun learning activities for Easter.
This blog article has a list of Easter activities to incorporate learning fun.

Plastic Egg Easter Activities

Create a phonics game with plastic Easter eggs. Write a word family on one side of a plastic egg and a beginning consonant on the other half. Have your beginning reader practice blending the word together. Plastic eggs are also good for compound words, math facts, or capital / lowercase letters!

Easter Story in a Container

You can create a story-telling prompt that allows kids to review and retell the events of Easter for some learning fun. You can place the objects in plastic eggs and an egg carton or place them all in a fancy gift box with a removable lid. Look up verses in the gospels. You can find what is available at home or at the dollar store. You could also make your own objects out of Sculpy clay. You don’t need all items, but if you do an egg carton, you will need 12 or 18 items. Click here for more ideas and free downloadables for creating your own story container. Here are some items to find and place in your story container:

  • Small plastic donkey
  • Small palm leaf
  • Table with a coin glued to it
  • Pair of praying hands
  • Small washcloth and bowl
  • Small tray with bread and goblet
  • Small bag of silver coins
  • Small ear or small sword
  • Small crown of thorns from a flower stem
  • Leather lace
  • Small rooster
  • Small cross from a necklace or keychain
  • Nail
  • Dice
  • Small natural sponge
  • Small square of red, blue, and purple fabric
  • Round, flattish rock
  • Small soldier toy
  • Spices
  • Small angel
  • White square of cloth
  • An empty egg

Resurrection Garden Crafting

Make a miniature resurrection garden as a hands-on way to discuss the Easter story. Use a shallow tray, a small planter, potting soil, small plants, and stones. Plant grass seeds or succulent plants. A tomb can be made with a small pot laid on its side. The women and disciples could be small painted rocks.

Science Experiment Easter Activities: Egg Drop

Challenge your children’s engineering skills with an egg drop contest. They must create a contraption that keeps a raw egg intact when dropped from a certain height. This is a great project to learn about physics and materials science.

You can also do experiments with an egg and a bottle to discover about air pressure. Click here for directions.

Another fun chemistry experiment is to create natural dyes for eggs. Click here for a list of various plants that make awesome natural dyes.

Egg Hunt

Hide plastic eggs with math problems inside. Kids must find the eggs and solve the problems before getting their candy or prize. What a great way to make learning fun!

You can make an egg hunt into a scavenger hunt with a clue in each plastic egg where kids can go from egg to egg to discover a treasure or a fun treat when they complete all the clues.

Easter Cooking Class

Incorporate math and science through baking. Create simple recipes like Easter-themed cookies or bunny bread. Measuring ingredients teaches fractions and chemical reactions in baking are great chemistry lessons.

Try making Easter lollipops with bright colors. Be careful because reading a candy thermometer is important, but the extremely hot sugar mixture can result in burns if you have an impulsive kiddo!

Story Time Easter Activities: Easter Around the World

Read stories about how different cultures celebrate Easter. This can include books, online articles, or videos. Follow up with a discussion or a writing assignment.

Easter Art Projects

  • T-shirts: Decorate your own T-shirts with bright spring colored tie dyes or draw your own pictures with fabric markers.
  • Paper Crafts: Create Easter cards, baskets, or bunny garlands.
  • Nature Art: Use flowers and leaves to make pressed flower bookmarks or a nature-inspired collage.
  • Batik: Explore the batik process by making Ukrainian style eggs.

Virtual Easter Egg Design

Learn about digital art by designing virtual Easter eggs using graphic design software or apps. This is a fun way to introduce children to technology and design principles.

Of course, you can print out a blank egg on copy paper and have your kids design crazy designs.

Bible Verse Scavenger Hunt Easter Activities

Write out verses and clues and hide them around the house or yard. Make each clue lead to the next, ending with the Easter story or a related craft. See if your kids can put the events of Easter week in order.

Create a Passion Play

Encourage children to reenact the Easter story through a play. They can write the script, make costumes, and perform it for the family.

Remember to tailor each activity to the child’s age and interests to maximize engagement and learning fun. Easter is not only about the educational value but also about celebrating the joy of the season. We have so much to be excited about because of the hope of Easter and the power of the resurrection! There are also some Easter activities in the FREE March Activities Packet in the UL Shop, so go grab that to finish off the month!

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

Picture of Sue Hegg

Sue Hegg

Sue Hegg is a learning specialist with over 30 years of experience as a classroom teacher, special education teacher, academic therapist, speaker, and consultant. I am also a veteran homeschool mom of 20+ years. She has three adult children we homeschooled all the way through, each with some type of specialized learning need, including dyslexia, anxiety, and academically giftedness. She understands unique learners from both parents' and home educators' perspectives.
Picture of Sue Hegg

Sue Hegg

Sue Hegg is a learning specialist with over 30 years of experience as a classroom teacher, special education teacher, academic therapist, speaker, and consultant. I am also a veteran homeschool mom of 20+ years. She has three adult children we homeschooled all the way through, each with some type of specialized learning need, including dyslexia, anxiety, and academically giftedness. She understands unique learners from both parents' and home educators' perspectives.
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