Silent Reading & Comprehension Graphs and Chart


If you are helping your tween or teen transition to read silently, these silent reading graphs and comprehension chart can be very helpful. You can use them with any reading program or chapter books. The three graphs are designed with three different levels of reading rate for different stages in the progression of gaining competence in reading silently.

The first graph goes to 250 words per minutes for the beginning of the progression from oral reading to silent reading. The second graph goes from 250 wpm to 500 wpm for those who are gaining speed. The third graph is for students with average reading skills for high school and are ready to begin speed reading.

The comprehension chart helps to track 10 major comprehension skills:

  • Vocabulary
  • Main Idea
  • Supporting Details
  • Sequence
  • Clarifying Devices
  • Drawing Conclusions
  • Mood
  • Author’s Intent
  • Point of View
  • Prediction

If you use a reading program, you can ask specific questions about each of the major skills. On the other hand, if you use a living books approach with literature, you can ask for narration and check off when your student includes information in their retelling or summaries. Of course, you can ask for a written summary. Encourage your teen to include their awareness of different comprehension skills in subsequent narrations.

If you need suggestions for how to help the transition process for reading silently, our blog article may give you ideas for where to start with your young reader. If you are unsure what steps to take, you are always welcome to join our private Facebook group, Homeschool Help for Special Needs. Or send us an email with your questions. We love to help homeschool moms!

You may also like our Literary Elements and Devices graphic organizer for students who are working on reading works of fiction.


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