Lightning Ferris Wheel Subtraction from 1-6


Lightning Ferris Wheel is a colorful, yet simple board game where students move around and around the ferris wheel while practicing subtraction facts up to minuend of 6. 19 pages

Lightning Ferris Wheel is a colorful, yet simple board game where students move around and around the ferris wheel while practicing subtraction facts up to minuend of 6. 19 pages total.


This file includes Teacher Instructions, a full-color 2-page Folder Gameboard, cover with directions, and movers. Subtraction Fact Cards can be turned into additional games. Subtraction Matching Activities can be made into task cards. Subtraction Magnet cards can be made into refrigerator or cookie sheet activities. Whole-to-Part Worksheets can be used with a variety of manipulatives for hands-on activities.


When you purchase this game, you will be able to download and print it in full color. Mount the cover with directions and the 2-page game board to a letter-size file folder. Laminate if you wish. The only other items needed for the whole file are two 6-sided dice and craft magnets.

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