Learning Profile Graph


If you are homeschooling a child with any type of special learning needs, you will want this Learning Profile Graph set! 5 pages.

If you are homeschooling a child with any type of special learning needs, you will want this Learning Profile Graph set! 5 pages.

Whether you have a formal assessment for your unique learner or not, you will likely find it helpful to create a learning profile graph. The provided graph breaks down skills by Developmental Domains, English/Language Arts, Math, and Content Knowledge.

This set includes a Teacher Instruction Page with directions for how to create a Learning Profile for all of your children, special learning needs or neurotypical. You don’t have to have a formal diagnostic assessment or norm-referenced standardized tests. You can create this learning profile graph based on your own observations and knowledge of your child’s learning habits and progress. Use for learners from preschool through high school!

The Learning Profile Graph includes a blank template, as well as two samples of learner profiles.

A Standardized Testing Record is also included for homeschools that are located in states that require yearly testing. The Standardized Test Record is based on the Woodcock-Johnson IV batteries of Cognitive Abilities and Achievement. However, you can use the record for other tests as well.

For more detailed information about how to use the Learning Profile Graph, watch our training video on YouTube here.

If you need assistance to select curriculum, create an individual learning plan of goals, design a homeschool plan, or schedule a formal assessment, feel free to contact us!

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