Integer Number Lines – Vertical and Horizontal


Vertical and Horizontal Number Lines help students understand addition and subtraction of positive and negative numbers. 7 pages.

Integers can be tricky to teach to kids with special learning needs. Many have a difficult time transitioning from the idea of zero as the absence of anything to the turn-around between positive and negative numbers. In addition, kids who struggle in math often have great difficulty in learning the conceptualization and processes of addition and subtraction of integers, distinguished from multiplication and division of integers. This set includes Teacher Instructions, a Vertical Integer Number Line to 10, a Horizontal Integer Number Line to 10, a Vertical Integer Number Line to 28, a Horizontal Integer Number Line to 28, and Integer Cue Cards to remind students how to think through what to do with integers depending on the operation. 7 pages.

You can print the number lines and mount to receipt paper tape and the cue cards to 3×5 index cards. OR print them all on white cardstock, laminate, and use to have the student write on them with dry erase markers or manipulate with counting chips.

You will love this set of Integer Number Lines as a tool in a 3-ring student math binder or to post on a wall. A Vertical Number Line crossed with a Horizontal Line helps students to mentally prepare for the coordinate plane used in algebra and geometry.


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