Build the Tabernacle Curriculum


This 12+ lesson project-based, multi-age Bible unit study gives you the expertise to guide kids in building a walk-through model of the Tabernacle made from donated materials! Host a Tabernacle Tour event! 92 pages.

If you want something different and significant for your elementary Bible class, the Build the Tabernacle Curriculum is so fun! This 12+ week project-based, multi-age Bible unit study is great for Sunday Schools, Homeschool Co-ops, or Church Camps! Kids build a half-size model from donated materials. The 92 pages give you directions, checklists, and ideas to help your students be creative on a super tight budget. Just like at Mt. Sinai, ask your congregation or homeschool community to donate materials. You may need to call an appliance store to get large boxes for some of the items. Start out by making ephods for everyone as an attendance keeper and to track kids who want to be Tour Guides. Each week, make part of the Tabernacle, including unleavened bread and incense for the Altar of Incense! You will need a large room or outdoor space to build the model. Kids have a blast making the project and never forget the meanings of the Tabernacle! This is a great project for summer!

Each lesson includes:

  • A Lesson Plan Page
    • Big Picture Overview
    • Main Bible Passage
    • Suggested Songs with Links to YouTube
    • Suggestions for the Working on the Model Project
  • A Teacher Information Page, explaining the symbolism pointing to Jesus, the Messiah
  • Memory Verse Page
  • A Coloring Page
  • A Worksheet for Young Kids
  • A Tabernacle Times Home Study – Send home with everyone, but this is how the Tour Guides will prepare and qualify
  • A Challenge Page for Older Kids and Adults
  • BONUS: Administration Pages for Hosting a fun Tour Day! The entire project builds up to the Tabernacle Tour Day, where you can provide free tickets and open the tour of the model to your entire congregation, parents, or homeschool community! All of the kids who helped build the tabernacle will have a part in hosting the Tabernacle Tour event!