Are Worksheets Real Learning?

Are Worksheets Real Learning?

Awhile back, I designed a modified geography unit for one of my students with dyslexia in a public high school social studies class. The intensity of my unit was similar to the gen ed teacher’s lessons, but rather than blurry maps on worksheets and spelling the countries (which my student really could not do), I designed a unit specifically for her that involved reading books about the culture of various countries, games that involved identifying coutries on a world map, and writing summary reports from newspaper articles. Her goal was to know the location and cultural features of at least 50 countries. When the learning plan was submitted, the special education case manager asked me where the “real learning was.” I asked what she meant, and the reply was, “You know, where are the worksheets!” I about flipped my lid. Of any teacher in a school, a special ed teacher should understand how learning happens. Worksheets are NOT real learning.

Games Are Better Than Worksheets

I create folder games for my own students. I integrate games and hands-on, student created projects for many reasons. First, they are fun, so motivation is increased. Second, kids will play them multiple times, so they will get more practice with words and math facts. Third, kids interact more, so they get more practice with communication and social skills. Just about any kid over the age of 5 can play board games.

If you want to know more about the learning theory behind why I prefer games over worksheets, sign up. You will receive your free copy of the Learning Plan Success Kit and start getting the weekly email newsletter where I go into more details about how learning happens! You will also be able to join our private Facebook group to learn more about how to make homeschooling joyful for unique learners!

Not Creative? I’ve Got Your Back!

I’ve been called the “game lady” over the years. I would rather spend several hours designing one game for my students than spending a few minutes searching out a worksheet and making copies. You don’t have to be creative because I’m sharing my games with you!

Here’s the link to my Teachers Pay Teachers store: Unique Learners – Sue Hegg. You will find over 100 games for phonics, multisyllable vocabulary, and math facts! You don’t have to think them up yourself! I’ve done the work for you. Just print, mount to a file folder, and play!


Happy Gaming!

Sue Hegg

Picture of Sue Hegg

Sue Hegg

Sue Hegg is a learning specialist with over 30 years of experience as a classroom teacher, special education teacher, academic therapist, speaker, and consultant. I am also a veteran homeschool mom of 20+ years. She has three adult children we homeschooled all the way through, each with some type of specialized learning need, including dyslexia, anxiety, and academically giftedness. She understands unique learners from both parents' and home educators' perspectives.
Picture of Sue Hegg

Sue Hegg

Sue Hegg is a learning specialist with over 30 years of experience as a classroom teacher, special education teacher, academic therapist, speaker, and consultant. I am also a veteran homeschool mom of 20+ years. She has three adult children we homeschooled all the way through, each with some type of specialized learning need, including dyslexia, anxiety, and academically giftedness. She understands unique learners from both parents' and home educators' perspectives.
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